Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Topic Of Sexuality - 1144 Words

Introduce the topic of sexuality (para)- Horrocks (1997) points out in his book that sexuality encircles multiple aspects of human existence. Sexuality is then, not a uniform or simple phenomenon and is influenced by the interaction of psychological, biological, social, cultural factors and many more. Horrocks (1997), suggests that to try and understand or explain a definitive conclusion about sexuality seems impossible as sexuality has different meanings to so many groups of people. Introduce the perspectives being used in essay (para)- There are a wide variety of models and perspectives relating to sexuality. Many perspectives on sexuality use biology and physiology as the basis, which are then often perceived as being factual. Two†¦show more content†¦However this can commonly lead to confusion and lack of understanding of the terms. Diamond (2002), states that, â€Å"It can be said that one is a sex and one does gender; that sex typically, but not always, represents what is between one’s legs, whereas gender represents what is between one’s ears.†p.232. The term ‘sex’ refers to the biological makeup of that person. ‘Sex role’ or ‘sex typical’ behaviour is then, usually the acting out of a person’s biological predisposition. Whereas the term gender is society’s common perception of how females or males are expected to behave or act and how they should be treated. King (2009), points out that the nature of sexuality is dependent on how its accepted biological basis is interpreted at a particular time by a particular society. Recognition of a clear distinction between the two words is useful and valuable for the psychological understanding of identity, particularly with relation to intersexuality and transsexuality (Diamond, 2002). Describe and explain what gender roles, identity and orientation are: Roles: Gagnon and Simon (2011) assert that,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Global Supply Chain Management Procurement Personnel Essay

Global Supply Chain Management procurement personnel usually have an intricate and dynamic understanding of Purchasing, Operations and Logistics. They also are well versed in Technology, the Currencies and exchange rate of the country doing business with, the Regulations on business ethics, The culture of the land and its companies all within the infrastructure of its business and using all the resources available at the global level. Supply Chain product distribution involves interaction with demand forecasting and planning of events such as staging and managing transportation scheduling with various 3PL companies. Based on the best value currently, shippers identify the best of the contractors and suppliers who meet the value and quality along with the pricing and services provided. However, most companies like to build a long-term relationship with their 3PL and include them in the planning phase of the business. The team will have interactions on a global stage (National Inter nal contractors suppliers) worldwide. The main focus is getting the right product and quantity delivered in the right condition to the right address at the right time to the right customer and most important at the right price. Process of transporting, warehousing, Logistics, 3PL/4PL and the Reverse logistic based on the premise of enhanced supply chain visibility through information and risk sharing, collaboration continues to simultaneously represent one of the biggest opportunities, andShow MoreRelatedProcurement: Purchasing Management Association1205 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction to Procurement Introduction  to  Procurement     Quiz  #  1   True/False  (1  mark  per  question)   1.   Competition  today  is  no  longer  between  firms;  it  is  between  the  supply  chains  of  those  firms.   True  Ã‚   False   2.   There  is  a  definitive  and  prescriptive  set  of  supply  chain  measures  that  applies  to  all  supply  chains.   True   False  Ã‚   3.   The  knowledge  and  skills  demanded  of  today’s  supply  professional  is  the  same  as  before.   True  Ã‚   False   4.   The  key  to  the  success  of  any  company  is  the  quality  of  its  employeesRead MoreChap12 Ais1343 Words   |  6 Pagessponsoring company. 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Clearly the company has been successful in its management thus far, having grown enormouslyRead MoreW1a Introduction1481 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is purchasing? MS6323 Strategic Sourcing and Procurement KK Lam Week 1a Summer 2015 2 What is purchasing? Or Part of Supply Chain (Manufacturing) Perspectives on purchasing 1 As a function – To perform specialised tasks 2 As a process – To achieve an output 3 As a link in the supply chain 4 As a relationship 5 As a discipline – Knowledge based 6 As a profession – Demonstrable skills and knowledge – With production and warehousing – Internal and external focus 3 SCM activitiesRead MoreKfc Supply Chain973 Words   |  4 Pagessecond-enterprises, but also its old rival – McDonald’s global fast food far behind boss as the main subsidiary of Yum, KFC denied. 2007 is the 20th anniversary of KFC(Kentucky Fried Chichen) into the Chinese market, the number of branches in mainland China have more than two thousand. Behind the rapid development, efficient and smooth logistics system is a KFC a powerful weapon ahead of the competition. 1, the fast moving consumer goods supply chain requirements Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG, FastRead MoreStrategic Sourcing Of A Supply Chain Management1271 Words   |  6 PagesResponsible Sourcing Before a supply chain manager can truly understand strategic sourcing, they must have a good working knowledge of the purchasing and procurement processes, which I will explain in detail later in my research. Strategic sourcing is an aspect of supply chain management that is becoming more prevalent in the business world. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Thoreau Essay free essay sample

Thoreau’s views and morals were very controversial, for he believed that being secluded from society is the best way to live. Thoreau believed in the simple life. He describes this lifestyle by how these people â€Å"will not be frittered away by detail† pg. 382. This means that others lives are based on repetition. People make their own lives busy. Thoreau believed by living a life based on simplicity, others can live in happiness away from society, for tradition, and conformity will be their ticket to success. Thoreau gives valuable advice in his writing. He states that being poor is a simple way of living. By not handling items that are valuable, the poor succeed more in life. They tend to succeed more than an average person because they do not have material things to possess their attention and focus. People are always going to do what the majority is doing. This may be the reason why Thoreau left the Walden Pond, because by living his life secluded, he thought he would not be able to complete more in his life. We will write a custom essay sample on Thoreau Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By saying the statement, â€Å"I had several more lives to live. † He meant that staying by Walden Pond would not do him any good. He wanted his voice to be heard. Thoreau also gave ideas about tradition, and conformity. His ideas about tradition stated that older people will never change the way they do things because that is just how it has been to them. Tradition is hard to change, for it is always how something has been done and people will not stand out and change their views. They will not change their views because they do not want to stand out in society. Thoreau’s view on conformity is that people will do anything to look normal through the public’s eye. They may act completely different in public than they act at home, for they are scared to act out against others. They just want to be similar to everyone and avoid hard treatment. My view on Thoreau’s experience is he is crazy. It is unheard of a man to leave society and live in the wilderness for a long period of time. It is an odd thing to do. It is not a strange happening for one to leave for a short period of time to recollect himself, but leaving for a long time is unheard of. He seemed to think that his own personal welfare was more important than being social. He did not want to be caught up in the personal affairs of others, and leaving society was his way of staying secluded. By leaving society, living a life of simplicity is easy, for he truly was happy in his time being out in the wilderness. Thoreau’s views will be acknowledged among the greatest writers in the world. His views gave society an understanding on how to live. He learned how to deal with society and excelled in his work.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Public Relations Management & Tactics-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Public Relations Management and Tactics. Answer: Background Sunshine Caf is a breakfast caf that is being planned to open in Gold Coast, Queensland within a few months. Gold Coast currently lacks a caf that focuses specifically on offering breakfast and light lunch and Sunshine Caf is planning to build a core clientele base by means of creation of a comfortable and inviting environment, and serving excellent hospitality and delicious food. The company is looking to open into college and university campuses for students and the community. Serving fresh breakfast and specialty roasted coffee, sunshine caf wishes to cater to the basic coffee drinker along with the coffee enthusiast too. However, startup businesses of restaurants and cafes are one of the most frequently started and most probable to fail among the list of new businesses that entrepreneurs open. One way to address this risk is to carefully plan and invest capital in appropriate amounts. Situational Analysis SWOT Analysis Strengths Improve offices for benefit clients, staff and volunteers Eradicate outside lines to the cafe Provide a diehard commitment passage for conveyances Meet most recent natural directions and controls that cover dining experience Opportunities Secure the medium-term future for the cafe Reduce running expenses Provide better wellbeing and guiding offices for the customers Attract more volunteers to move down the staff Weaknesses Promises of money related support are just temporary Involves obliteration of old format cafes Disruption and transitional courses of action while working in progress Needs to experience a drawn out arranging process for plot what's more, definite consent Threats Some nearby occupants will utilize it to campaign for the cafe to move Many inhabitants will be influenced by interruption while work is in progress Ward councilors may back contradicting occupants since they confront races in year and a half's time Planning consent might be rejected Table: SWOT Analysis Source: Created by author PEST Analysis Political The lawmaking body shows its cognizance of the competitive scene portraying the food business as a fundamental sub-division of the consumer business. Particularly, the quality of the political air in Australia contributes to the essential improvement in the business. The positive projection owes to the security of the Australian political climate in the law based government nation including six states and two locales. Regardless of the way that the official power vests upon the delegate general, the administration agency holds the managing power that effects its political environment. The political organizations are credited as safeguards of shielding the investment assemble from uncompetitive and baseless business practices through institution ( 2017). Economic Australia economy demonstrates a yearly ordinary in GDP improvement rate. The country saw a financial downturn posting 0.8% improvement rate taking after the overall cash related crisis ( 2017). Regardless, the country has better accomplishment stood out from other made nations, as it were, affected by the appropriate arranging of the organization saves. Given the different arrangements to digitize the economy endeavored by the Abbot-drove government, it gives the country solid purpose behind beginning total progression in the food consumer and organization parts. Food advantage and computed industry demonstrate the basic portions as upgraded utilization in those pieces enlivens the recovery from the financial subsidence. The volume of the food advantage promote is anticipated to increase with the fast organization heads requesting a bigger piece of the blossoming division. Social Australia presents a created social advancement legitimately acclimated to ethnic and racial exhaustiveness. A lot of its history reveals a promise to adapt distinctive parties inside the British-Australian traditions. This leaves the country home to varying social orders in modestly total society that depict a cosmopolitan people. But normal assortment and vagrant social orders fundamentally affect the lifestyle contrasts, regular social orders among the indigenous stay conveyed in the all-inclusive community life. The work exhibit is depicted with pay based headways, which leave the Australian economy of disadvantageous prospects of social preparation. The emphasis for more advantageous eating inferable from the extended consumer care departs the development to the fast food outlets extended (Harris et al. 2017). Technological The points of interest credited to technological movements in business today takes after to the cost diminishment, high bore and more broad system to the all-inclusive market and supply. The current technological examination outlines the extended national yield in real technological theories. It leaves Australia among the most related nations, tolerating a primary position to Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea. The extended wage identified with usage of online business reaffirms the position that privately based attempts win in the overall business space if the country sets out to genuine enthusiasm for technological improvements. Information communication technology remains the strong driver of Australia's improvement in headway and budgetary advancement ( 2017). Objectives The ultimate goals, with the help of which can be understood the direction of the plan, provides the following opportunities that are situation base. Develop brand awareness among the college and university students in the locations where Sunshine Caf would be getting launched. The idea is to create a reputation that people would associate with service, quality and comfort at the top. Introduce the products and enroll 1000 members for the loyalty club in the initial six months of opening. The ultimate goal is to increase the percent of walk-ins by approximately 25 percent at the stores that are situated on the coast. Target Market Segmentation Gold Coast is one of Australias most favorite holiday locations, with its diverse natural environment and unrivalled assortment of built attractions. The area appeals to more than 12 million travelers each year, with its beaches, theme parks, nightlife, shopping, lifestyle and great dining ( 2017). Visitors look for the fresh and local farm produce, which Sunshine Caf can make use of ( 2014). The customer base would be formed from three main population segments local residents, local businesses and students from local colleges and universities. Gold coast is home to more than 550,000 people ( 2017), all within a fifteenminute walk to Sunshine Caf. Sunshine Caf needs to capture at least one tenth of this population if they have to meet their goals. The local residents require quality breakfast during the week, on their way to work, or on weekends for relaxing or enjoying a meal. Market feasibility displays that the customers are fine with payi ng a bit more for receiving better food, better service and a luxurious setting. Tourism is a large part of the economy of Gold Coast, from where the tourists are focused upon as their steady source of revenue ( 2017). Key Messages Sunshine Caf gives each client the most elevated quality sustenance and administrations. They take pride in offering fresh and nourishing option products at reasonable costs for everybody. They put stock in giving the group an inviting and agreeable social affair place to unwind or indeed, even hold occasions. Strategies Strategy 1: Start campaigning all over campuses for attracting students in finding out more about Sunshine Caf. Strategy 2: Using social media pages for promoting the loyalty program and signing people up on the spot at extremely increased high traffic areas. Strategy 3: Introducing the products to the available students at sunshine Caf Strategy 4: Creating and atmosphere inside the store that would make the consumers feel safe and at home and they want to stay instead of order and leave. Strategy 5: Mold the customers into returning to Sunshine Caf whenever possible and advertise the caf to peers. Tactical Programs Strategy 1 Creating posters for placing all over the schools and flyers for handing out to students. Make web-based social networking accounts, (for example, on Facebook and Twitter,) and interface with the schools' informal organization to campaign to understudies Set up a seller in the school cafeteria elevating Sunshine Caf to understudies, and have an attraction to win a Dell tablet Strategy 2 Using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Vine for explaining how the business works, listing benefits, explaining processes, etc. Having ambassador canvass Ambassadors must have iPad Strategy 3 Setting up vendors at each schools and colleges. Setting up sample tables before opening Strategy 4 Set up sofas and comfortable seats Make spaces where individuals can mingle and spaces where individuals can unwind and not be exasperated (if understudies need to get their work done) Have an electric chimney running for solace and warmth Play inconspicuous and mitigating music Strategy 5 Have a lot of surprise: specials all through the day, like Morning Special at 7 a.m., Lunch Special at 12 p.m., and Mid-Afternoon Special at 4 p.m. These would be in the lines of Buy a specialty coffee, get a free cookie, etc. Having walk-in draws consistently when a client buys something over $5, they get their name entered in an attract to win a $20 espresso card Timetable Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Creating posters Making social media accounts Setting up sellers at schools, colleges and universities Setting up sample tables Set up sofas and comfortable seats inside cafe Surprise special events Walk-in draws Table: Timetable Source: Created by author Budget The budget for carrying out the campaign is as follows: Elements Amount Lease agreement $15,000 (per year $15,000) Posters and Brochures $1,000 Dell Laptop and other accessories $1,400 Sunshine Cafe Vendor $2,000 Week before Grand Opening Vendor $2,000 Coffee and Tea Party $4,000 Setting Atmosphere $6,000 Miscellaneous $3,600 Total $35,000 Table: Budget Source: Created by author Media Coverage The PR campaign would be covered by multiple channels of media. The local press would include Gold Coast Bulletin and Gold Coast Mail, both of which take care of the entire Gold Coast region, serving the southern beaches and suburbs (Australian Online Newspapers 2017). Along with the local papers, international press would also be called upon to cover the campaign. International trade media reporters would be invited for covering the events included in the campaign. The caf would be portrayed in front of the media as being a steady supporter of the Australian economy. Sunshine caf would be promoted all over the world on television, magazines, newspapers and radio. Publication Name Frequency Content The Australian Monday to Saturday National News (The Nation), Worldwide News (Worldwide), Sport and Business News (Business) Gourmet Traveler Monthly News, Lifestyle, Food, Business News Corp Australia Daily, Sunday, weekly, bi-weekly and tri-weekly News, Lifestyle, Sport and Business Donna Hay Magazine Bi-Monthly Cooking and Lifestyle Table: Media Coverage Source: Created by author Evaluation Sunshine Caf will assess the accomplishment of its techniques from: The consequences of an on the web and in-person overview The quantity of "likes" aggregated on Facebook The quantity of devotees on Twitter The week after week income The quantity of contenders gone into the draws References 2017.Technology and Australias Future. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jun. 2017]. 2017.Political system and institutions | [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jun. 2017]. Australian Online Newspapers. 2017.Directory of Australian Online Newspapers. 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